Billede af RaskRask massør Renata
Relevante uddannelser
Swedish Massage ved International Massage Academy Budapest
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Velkommen. Mit navn er Renata og jeg er professionel massør. Jeg kom fra Budapest og har boet i København siden 2014. Fysisk og mental balance er vigtig for mig, og derfor valgte jeg massagefaget, for at hjælpe mennesker. Har du nogle ubehagelige fysiske problemer eller ønsker du blot at bryde væk fra den grå hverdag og slappe af, er du velkommen til at kontakte mig. Welcome. My name is Renata and I am a professional masseuse. I come from Budapest and have been living in Copenhagen since 2014. Physical and mental balance is important to me, which is why I chose the massage profession, helping people. If you have any unpleasant physical problems or if you simply want to break away from the grey everyday life and relax, feel free to contact me.
Billede af RaskRask massør Renata


Trustpilot 5-stars77 anmeldelser


Certifikat ikon
Swedish Massage ved International Massage Academy Budapest
Tryg logo


Velkommen. Mit navn er Renata og jeg er professionel massør. Jeg kom fra Budapest og har boet i København siden 2014. Fysisk og mental balance er vigtig for mig, og derfor valgte jeg massagefaget, for at hjælpe mennesker. Har du nogle ubehagelige fysiske problemer eller ønsker du blot at bryde væk fra den grå hverdag og slappe af, er du velkommen til at kontakte mig. Welcome. My name is Renata and I am a professional masseuse. I come from Budapest and have been living in Copenhagen since 2014. Physical and mental balance is important to me, which is why I chose the massage profession, helping people. If you have any unpleasant physical problems or if you simply want to break away from the grey everyday life and relax, feel free to contact me.
  • Eksamineret behandler
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  • Kvalitetssikret af RaskRask
Trustpilot_ratings_5star-RGB Created with Sketch.
af Morten kristoffersen
14 dage siden
Særdeles god og omhyggelig massage.
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af Lotte
17 dage siden
Super god massage. Hun tog fat og fandt spændingerne. Kan varmt anbefale hende.
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af anne l.
20 dage siden
Very nice, very professional and super good massage!
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af Jeannie Gravesen Luther
31. Maj. 2024
very good 👍
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af Clara Keldebæk
24. Maj. 2024
Great massage! :)
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af Thomassen
10. Maj. 2024
Very professional and competent masseuse.
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af Per Vesten Pedersen
23. Apr. 2024
Very fine massage
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af customer
22. Apr. 2024
Renata was delayed, but this you are warned about when booking, so was not a problem. And I still got the full 60 min I paid for. She was professional and had a good pressure during the message.
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af Sanne Tallquist
16. Apr. 2024
I had a great massage with Renata. She has a firm but nice touch.
Trustpilot_ratings_4star-RGB Created with Sketch.
af Christina Halskov
28. Mar. 2024
Virkelig god massage. Sød og behagelig massør.
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af Mette Søs Gottlieb
28. Mar. 2024
Virkelig dygtig massør
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af Pernille Martesen
26. Mar. 2024
i really enjoyed the professionelism from Renata
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af Flora
29. Feb. 2024
Rigtig god og professionel massage
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16. Feb. 2024
Really nice massage!
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af Mila Broby Johansen
15. Feb. 2024
Very good massage with relaxing music and no speech. Just what I needed. Thank you!
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af Camilla
14. Feb. 2024
Professionelt, behageligt og dybdegående
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af Hanna
08. Feb. 2024
Det var en rigtig god oplevelse. Renata er super sød, dygtig og rolig.
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af Nina Andersen
19. Jan. 2024
Renata er super flink og dygtig. Følte mig i trygge hænder :-)
Trustpilot_ratings_5star-RGB Created with Sketch.
af Lisa Baarsøe
19. Jan. 2024
Afslappende massage og Renata er et behageligt menneske
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af Gabriel Barani
12. Jan. 2024
Jeg kan varmt anbefale Renata.
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af Nicoline Kondrup Jensen
11. Jan. 2024
Fantastisk oplevelse - meget professionel!
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af Marilyn
17. Nov. 2023
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af Berivan Kücükyildiz
14. Nov. 2023
Super god massage
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af kunde
10. Nov. 2023
Fantastisk massage👌🏻
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af Hanne Strømsted
10. Nov. 2023
Det har været en stor oplevelse skøn massage og Tenata er en super god massør bruger hende gerne igen🥰
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af Kasper Olsen
10. Nov. 2023
Very professionel treatment.
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af Lindim
02. Nov. 2023
Meget dygtig kan klart anbefales. Vil helt sikkert bruge hende igen.
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af Camilla Bülow Hansen
23. Okt. 2023
Very relaxing and calm procedure with some lovely massage. Would recommend to other pregnant ladies :)
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af Tatiana Granfeldt
20. Okt. 2023
Absolutely fantastic massage by a very talented masseuse 😊
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af Jacob
05. Okt. 2023
I have tried many different masseuses, and I can honestly say that Renata is one of the best. Definitely booking again soon!
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af Louisa Biney Jensen
29. Sep. 2023
Jeg havde en fik en dejlig afslappende graviditetsmassage hos Reneta. Det var en god oplevelse. Reneta er afslappet og er god til skabe en rolig og tryg stemning. Jeg kan anbefale at booke tid hos Reneta, hvis du er er gravid og ønsker en dejlig massage i et rolig trygt rum.
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af Kristian Vestergaard Andersen
19. Sep. 2023
Jeg var godt tilfreds men min første oplevelse
Trustpilot_ratings_5star-RGB Created with Sketch.
af Stefan K. Hansen
28. Aug. 2023
Great massage - and very good at asking into preferences and what areas to focus on. Highly recommended.
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af Katrine Kristensen
23. Aug. 2023
Really good massage and good quality and value for money
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af Anne-mette Varney
21. Aug. 2023
Virkelig god massage med udgangspunkt i mine ønsker og behov.
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af Emine Cakmak
18. Aug. 2023
⭐️ virkelig rar og god oplevelse.
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af Tanja Lewis
14. Aug. 2023
Meget dygtig og ukompliceret massage. Kender Renata fra mit arbejde, men hun har også taget sig godt af min far på hans plejehjem. Det og hun kan bestemt anbefales.
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af Anna Raundahl
03. Aug. 2023
Very good massage
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af Henriette Lundsgaard Solevad
03. Aug. 2023
It was great. Really fantastic. I feel reborn😍
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af Karen
03. Aug. 2023
Rigtig dejlig massage, og Renata var sød og professionel
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af Laura
03. Aug. 2023
Rigtig rigtig dejlig massage. Renata var super sød og mega dygtig og så var det jo simpelthen så nemt at hun kommer med briksen. Dejlig oplevelse. Jeg vil booke en tid mere og anbefale hende til andre 😊
Trustpilot_ratings_5star-RGB Created with Sketch.
af Suruchi
10. Jul. 2023
Renata er meget dygtig sød og venlig dame hun gav rigtig god massage som både mig og min mand var meget tilfredse med.Vi vil helt klart vælge hende igen
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af Kunde
10. Jul. 2023
Rigtig behagelig og sød!
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af Mette
10. Jul. 2023
Virkelig fantastisk massage!
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af Anna Skov Jesen
08. Jul. 2023
Meget behagelig og dygtig behandler. Får mine højeste anbefalinger.
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af sarah Normann olsen
05. Jul. 2023
Så sød og dygtig
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af Christina Klavsen
04. Jul. 2023
Dejlig behagelig massage. Kan varmt anbefale Renata.
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af Johan Nielsen
03. Jul. 2023
Very happy with the whole experience. Renata is both nice and a good masseuse
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af Stine
03. Jul. 2023
I asked for a relaxing massage and I was so relaxed afterwards - so I think she was really good. She was also warm and kind.
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af Jane
03. Jul. 2023
Renata is very kind, proper and effective. Will surely book again.
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af Neha Agarwal
30. Jun. 2023
A very nice and relaxing massage from Renata
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af Anush Bagratunjan
14. Jun. 2023
Professional, friendly and super relaxing.
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af Tine Sørensen
05. Jun. 2023
Hello Renate Der er Anes søster der svarer. Hun var utrolig glad for din massage. Desværre blev hendes tilstand forværret for et par uger siden.Og hun døde i forgårs. Men tak for god behandling Vh Tine Sørensen
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af Sofia
31. Maj. 2023
Very sweet!
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af Silvia
25. Maj. 2023
I had a great massage with Renata! Professional, on time and very nice person!
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af Kim
24. Maj. 2023
Virkelig god massage
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af Alexander Petersen
23. Maj. 2023
Very good and professional
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af Mishi
23. Maj. 2023
En rigtig god massør, grundig og dygtig
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af Jeanet M
19. Maj. 2023
Klar anbefaling af Renata herfra. Hun er dygtig, sød og venlig.
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af Sarah Barløse
16. Maj. 2023
Trustpilot_ratings_5star-RGB Created with Sketch.
af Heidi - -
16. Maj. 2023
Virkelig sød, dygtigt, og rar ❤️ ville til hver en tid bestille Ranata igen 🙏🏻🦋
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af Karin Lindberg Christensen
15. Maj. 2023
Very good , Nice person
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af Hanne
11. Maj. 2023
So nice. Very good massage.
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af Marianne
09. Maj. 2023
Renate arrived on time, was attentive both before and during the massage. will definitely book her again
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af E.F.W.
08. Maj. 2023
Fantastic massage, strong hands, super nice person and I would love to book another appointment with Renata.
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af Freja
27. Apr. 2023
The massage was very good and Renata was very nice
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af Annemette Holst
24. Apr. 2023
Virkelig behagelig person og fantastisk massage.
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af Sara
24. Apr. 2023
I don’t have anything bad to say. Renata did her job, she is very kind and professional.
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af Lilian Ladefoged
24. Apr. 2023
Renata gave me a very good massage. She is a very kind person and I will certainly book her again when necessary.
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af Bjarne Rene Gade Hartmann
21. Apr. 2023
Meget tilfreds med massagen Og var der til tiden. Samt meget sød og rar massør.
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af Bente Jansdal
20. Apr. 2023
Dejligt at massøren kommer hjem til en
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af Anette Håkonsen
20. Apr. 2023
Rigtig god dybdegående og professionel massage
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af Helle Bregninge
17. Apr. 2023
Dejlig oplevelse. Kommer tilbage😊
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af Helle Drechsel
13. Apr. 2023
I was happy to get massage from Renata.
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af Sara Hansen
13. Apr. 2023
Really nice and a great massage.
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af Maja Thor Lund
10. Apr. 2023
Renata was very sweet and polite. Listened to my needs and gave me a very nice massage.
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af Marta
10. Apr. 2023
I feel so good right now:)